The Exercise planner - Create new exercises, change the order & more

If your app provides exercise routines to perform (e.g. if you are having orthopaedic surgery), you can edit the details of your active exercise routine here.

Physiotherapy is a key component of many treatment journeys. The exercise routines linked from your Home page, and the exercise charts in the Progress page, enable you to follow your physiotherapy plan and track your progress.

Your treatment journey provides a default exercise routine, which can be edited in the Exercise planner, by you or your physiotherapist. Always follow the exercise plan given to you by your clinician or therapist.

The ‘Exercise planner’ is found in the ‘More’ tab and includes a list of ‘All exercises’ available, alongside a list of the exercise currently chosen for your ‘Workout’. 

All exercises 

When looking at ‘All exercises’ you can tap each one to select or deselect it from the exercises in your ‘Workout’. 

To make a change to an exercise, tap on ‘Edit’ and then tap on the exercise.

You can change the number of target repetitions; the number of sets to do in each workout and add any notes, reminders or other instructions. 

The ‘Reset settings’ button can be used to change the ‘Notes’, ‘Repetitions’ and ‘Sets’ back to the default settings. 

Create new exercise videos

Tapping on ‘Edit’ will also reveal the ‘Create new exercise’ button, which can be used to create your own exercise videos to match the plan from your team. New exercise videos can be filmed via the app or added from the library of videos on your phone or tablet. 


Your selected exercises will appear in ‘Workout’, where you can change the order by using the three horizontal lines to drag and drop the exercises into your preferred sequence. 

You can also tap to choose your ‘Active days’ of the week and the number of workouts to aim for each day. 

NOTE: The content in your app is highly customised to you. Therefore, the precise appearance of each screen may vary from the images above.